Posts tagged rebeccazammit
The Awkward Truth

Hello Lovely!

This weekend I had to have a massive brain dump. Another headache snuck up and I had to ask 'Why the f*** is this happening?'.So I did the best thing I could possible do. I wrote down absolutely every niggling thing that was annoying me about my life. It seems like a pretty negatively loaded exercise, but the first step of overcoming any challenge is acknowledgement. 

Here were a few things on the list (of about 30):

  • Feeling terrible that I'm not speaking to an old friend over a misunderstanding.
  • Not having gone to the dentist for too long to say!
  • Being prematurely sad about not seeing enough of Milo, my best friends dog.
  • My long interlude from karate.
  • A massive obligation that I no longer wish to have.
  • Putting 'work' over traditional 'being in my 20s fun'...

The biggest theme that kept arising in my points was not being true to myself or completely honest with other people. Allowing others to make me feel awkward.

So, my very first steps were to fight awkwardness with awkwardness.
Had 3 very open and honest conversations with three men (a family member, a friend and my fiancé), all about completely different and equally important issues that had been causing fleeting sadness, subconscious worry and making me implode.

What absolute relief and a new wave of energy I felt just by being honest and not letting things fester. The assumptions I was making were, as always, a matter of opinion and the people who care about me only want to see me happy. However, there was no escaping the awkward conversation that comes with the territory of mending relationships.

If you haven't heard it yet, listen to this short mp3 on speaking your truth.
Then hit reply and tell me now, what awkward conversation are you putting off?
When are you going to have it?

Once you reply I will give you 3 killer tips for these conversations so they go as smoothly as possible.


Lots of love,

PS. Here is a success sheet to help you with speaking your truth.

Getting the Message

It has been a tumultuous week for me. I had an ambulance called, a doctor visit my house, an overnight stay in hospital and more than enough days in bed.

And all because I made a silly negotiation with my body. 
I told my body that once the holiday period hit I would focus more on my health. I would meditate more often, work on my shoulder rehab, eat better and have the perfect balance of work and play. "But not right now", I told my body. Today we are going to 'work, work, work'.

Now, I must say, that my work never really feels like work. But when you have your own business it is easy (and essential) to create 'work'. And it does keep you busy. 
This is all well and good, but the fact is that when you push your mind and body without a rest, it sends you a big, fat message.

A year ago, I told my body to give me a migraine to let me know when I am putting too much pressure on myself. And this time I got the message louder and clearer than ever before. So much that I ended up in hospital.

So, if I always work hard, what made this time different? A bit of reflection brought me to this conclusion.
I was doing everything I could do, and STILL told myself I wasn't doing enough! I have some great systems in place and instead of going through the motions (usually seen as a bad thing) and trusting that I was doing what was right, I was constantly wanting more, more, more. More of myself, more than anything.

If you have ever been giving it your all and still feeling pressure to do better or be bigger, say this to yourself;

'I am making perfect progress, at my own pace.'
'I appreciate the present moment and how it is naturally moving me in the direction of my goal'.
'I am enough.'
'My best, at this point in time, is absolutely good enough'.
'It is safe for me to have complete balance in my life and take things a little slower'.


It is so easy to start living at someone else's pace.
Where are you putting too much pressure on yourself or others around you?
What does your body do to tell you when you are not in balance?

Are you willing to treat yourself well before your body gives you a big, fat message?

Reply to tell me when you have been out of whack, and how you get back on track.

Enjoy the next couple of weeks and keep me posted on how you are doing!